Chance of Love
Chance of Love started in 2004. At that point and quite by chance, my life was touched by the fortuitous nature of love; several marriages between Spanish men and immigrant women took place within my circle of acquaintance. To begin with, I wanted to portray a certain idea of modern princesses, updating the cliché of the happy model housewife like the ones that appeared in advertising in the fifties and sixties. An anachronism set in the present of these women, whose destiny has materialised in Spain through romance. The portraits are complemented with a 20-minute video entitled Príncipes (Princes), in which these women’s husbands talk about them, unveiling a part of the mystery. And yet the full dimension of this experience would not be conveyed if the project were not completed with the images of these modern heroines in their countries of origin. Thanks to a grant from the Comunidad de Madrid, I was able to develop another part of these stories, travelling together with the protagonists to their places of birth to meet their families. Thus I had the chance to portray the consummation of these women’s wishes, photographing them in the homes where they grew up, and to record the emotion and the concern of their mothers in a second 25-minute video called Reinas (Queens).