Escenas de lo surreal (Scenes of the surreal life)
There is always a certain degree on unpredictability in everyday life. The group of images that I am presenting consists of a series of encounters and atypical situations experienced by the same person during a single day. A young woman travels around the (indoor and outdoor) spaces of an architectonic complex bumping into different men with rather unusual behaviours.
The interaction between these sets of couples produces a set of peculiar situations that play with causality, probability and the unexpected. The images evoke those accidental events that gradually come to configure our lives, without being able to control them. In occasions, they can be very important, but usually they are less transcendental. Thus, I have tried to present the random component of everyday life, without dramatism. According to Henri Bergson, one must detach from the emotions to be able to smile, or even to scoff, at tragedy. Beyond the rational and logical thinking, these images are an invitation for surprise, showing a series of possible scenes, with surrealist hints.
The pictures were taken at El Aguila architectural complex, as a commission of Cultural Heritage of the Community of Madrid.